About Me

I'm an Atmospheric Scientist with expertise in precipitation forecast sensitivity to the representation of microphysics processes in numerical weather prediction. I have experience working with microphysics parameterizations, stochastic perturbation methods, and ensemble forecasting techniques. I thoroughly enjoy learning, especially when it comes to applying my newfound knowledge to answering various atmospheric science research questions. Included in this, of course, is effectively visualizing scientific findings and applying new analysis techniques to my data in Python. I also enjoy developing my scientific communication skills through conversations with my research group, other colleagues, friends, family, and participating in competitions like the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT). If interested, watch my award-winning submission here!

When not working, I enjoy reading, crafting, cooking and baking new recipes in my kitchen, volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region, and spending time with friends and family. In the winter, I can be found skiing in the mountains of New York, Vermont, and Maine with my adventurous friends and family.